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Mr Hypno's, Magic Mindset Mechanism Tools


1. A brief history/overview
2. Basic "How To" use the crystal ball.
*3. Stephen's original, hypnotic "Power Stone" method to achieve dreams and goals.
4. Bonus: Using Colored Crystal Balls

1. A brief history/overview

The crystal ball, often associated with mysticism and divination, has a rich history that dates back thousands of years. Its origins can be traced to the ancient Druids of Britain and Gaul, around 2000 BCE, who used polished crystal stones for scrying, a practice of looking into a reflective surface to gain insight or predict the future. This method of divination, called "crystallomancy," was believed to open a window to the spiritual realm, allowing the seer to receive visions or messages.

During the medieval period, crystal balls became popular among fortune-tellers and seers. They were often depicted in European art and literature as tools used by wizards, witches, and mystics. The famous English alchemist John Dee, advisor to Queen Elizabeth I, was known for using a crystal ball, or "shew-stone," to communicate with angels and gain prophetic visions.

In the 19th and 20th centuries, the crystal ball gained prominence in popular culture, often seen in the hands of carnival psychics and in movies portraying mystical characters. Today, it remains a symbol of the occult and is used by modern practitioners of divination and spirituality to focus their intuition, explore the subconscious mind, and seek answers to life’s questions.

2. How to use a crystal ball for divination. The Basics

Scrying with a crystal ball is a mystical practice that some use to gain insight, access their intuition, and explore the subconscious mind. If that is your purpose then here's a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

1. Choose Your Crystal Ball

Select a crystal ball made of clear quartz or another type of crystal that resonates with you. It should be free of major flaws, though minor inclusions can add character. Cleanse your crystal ball before use to clear any residual energies. You can do this by placing it under running water, smudging it with sage, or leaving it in moonlight overnight.

2. Create the Right Atmosphere

Find a quiet, dimly lit room where you won’t be disturbed. Scrying requires focus, so choose a space that feels comfortable and calming.Set up your space with candles, incense, and any other items that help you feel grounded and centered. Soft lighting is ideal, as it can help you see the images that may appear in the ball.

3. Prepare Yourself

Sit comfortably at a table with the crystal ball placed in front of you, preferably on a stand or a cloth to keep it steady. Take a few deep breaths to relax. Close your eyes and center yourself. Let go of any stress or distracting thoughts. You may want to say a prayer or affirmation to set your intention and invite positive energies.

4. Focus Your Mind

Gaze into the crystal ball softly. Don’t try to force images or strain your eyes. Let your vision relax as if you’re looking beyond the surface of the ball. Allow your mind to be open and receptive. You may see colors, shapes, or even vivid images forming inside the ball. Be patient; scrying often takes time and practice.

5. Interpreting What You See

As images begin to form, take note of what you see and how you feel. These impressions can be symbolic, representing messages from your subconscious or the spiritual realm. Don’t overanalyze in the moment. Instead, let the visions flow and trust your intuition.

6. Closing the Session

When you feel ready to end the session, gently bring your focus back to the present. Take a few deep breaths and ground yourself. Close the session by thanking your crystal ball and any spiritual guides you’ve called upon. Cleanse your crystal ball again, if necessary, to release any energies it may have absorbed.

7. Reflect and Record

Write down your experience in a journal, noting the images, thoughts, and feelings you encountered. Over time, you may notice patterns or recurring symbols that hold personal significance.

Remember, scrying with a crystal ball is an intuitive art. There are no strict rules—only guidelines. Trust yourself and let the process unfold naturally. With practice, you’ll deepen your connection to your inner wisdom and the mystical realms.


The REAL Secret.
The "Power Stone" Method

Learn an amazing technique not for "predicting" the future, but for creating your amazing future using the power of the subconscious mind.

Many people buy a Crystal Ball hoping to experience magical results with their new oracle.
They sit there and stare into their crystal ball with good intentions. The intention of "seeing" something, and when they fail to "see" something after trying very hard they GIVE UP on their experience with the crystal ball and place it on their shelf as a cool decoration.
But they fail to realize that the Crystal Ball is a TOOL and is only as good as the person using it.
Imagine buying a hammer and expecting it to build a home for you.
The Crystal Ball, just like the hammer has no power in and of itself. It is a TOOL.
I am revealing here for you an incredible technique to BRING LIFE to your Crystal Ball. Once you master this technique you will begin to "see" things in your crystal ball that will be profound and life changing. 
IMAGINE an opportunity to utilize the MAGIC OF YOUR MIND to manifest any dream, to achieve any goal. 
This is a powerfully hypnotic visualization technique, where you imagine yourself within a virtual protective crystal ball sphere. It is a profound tool for using your conscious mind to connect with your subconscious mind. By using your crystal sphere to create a space where you can see out but others cannot see in, you establish a safe and controlled environment that facilitates deep introspection and mental management. This unique method empowers you to directly interact with various aspects of your life through a conceptual control board, adjusting emotions, energies, and your overall psychological state. It's designed to not only protect but also empower you to make your dreams and goals a reality by actively engaging with and directing your subconscious mind. This approach harnesses the power of visualization to bridge the gap between where you are and where you want to be, turning abstract desires into achievable realitie

How to do it...

Find a space where you can relax and focus.

1. Preparation and Grounding: Before entering your visualization, spend a few minutes grounding yourself. This can be done through deep breathing exercises or a brief meditation to clear your mind of distractions. This grounding helps to solidify your connection to the present moment, ensuring your visualization is vivid and focused. Think about what you want to accomplish in this session.

2. Entering the Sphere: Look at the crystal ball then take a deep breath in and close your eyes as you exhale. Breathe naturally and relax. Imagine the crystal ball in your mind as growing and growing until it is large enough to surround you. As you visualize stepping into the crystal ball sphere, imagine it materializing around you, forming a clear, protective barrier. Feel the safety and control this space offers. This sphere shields you from external influences, allowing you to focus inwardly without interruption.

3. Interacting with the Control Board: Once inside, approach your control board. Each knob, switch, and lever is clearly labeled with aspects of your life, such as energy, vitality, pain, or sadness. Take a moment to assess which areas feel unbalanced or require attention. Adjust these controls mindfully, visualizing the effects each adjustment has on your emotions and physical sensations.

4. Using the Video Screen: Turn on the video screen to begin visual interactions with influential figures, whether they are historical figures, mentors, or imagined guides. Prepare specific questions or topics you wish to explore with them. This interaction can provide new insights, inspiration, or advice tailored to the needs you have identified on your control board.

5. Reflection and Closure: After you have made the necessary adjustments and concluded your consultations on the video screen, take a few moments to reflect on the changes you have enacted and the advice received. Feel the adjustments taking effect, reinforcing your desired changes. Gradually allow the visualization of the sphere to fade, bringing the sense of control and empowerment back with you as you return to full awareness.

This method serves not only as a protective visualization but also as a proactive way to manage your mental state, adjust your emotional responses, and engage with your subconscious to seek guidance and insight. It’s a powerful technique that blends imagination with practical applications to achieve personal growth and well-being.

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Colorful Clarity: How Crystal Ball Hues Enhance Your Meditation

Using different colored crystal balls for meditation or setting intentions can enhance your practice by aligning with the specific energies and frequencies of each color. Colors have unique vibrational qualities that can influence our emotional and mental states, making them powerful tools for meditation and intention-setting.

For instance, meditating with a red crystal ball can energize and ground you, while a blue one might promote calmness and clarity. The choice of color can amplify your focus on a particular intention, such as love, healing, or creativity, by resonating with the corresponding energy center or chakra in your body. By consciously choosing a crystal ball color that matches your desired mood or goal, you create a more harmonious and effective meditation experience.

Each color also symbolizes different attributes, which can be used to set the tone for your practice or environment. Whether you’re seeking tranquility, motivation, or spiritual insight, selecting the right crystal ball color helps align your intentions with the appropriate vibrational energy, making your meditations more potent and meaningful.


Meanings of Crystal Ball Colors

Red: Represents vitality, passion, and courage. Use for grounding, motivation, and boosting physical energy.

Orange: Symbolizes creativity, joy, and confidence. Ideal for sparking creativity and enhancing emotional expression.

Yellow: Associated with intellect, clarity, and personal power. Perfect for boosting self-confidence and decision-making.

Green: Represents growth, healing, and balance. Use for heart-centered intentions, emotional healing, and harmony.

Blue: Symbolizes calmness, communication, and truth. Ideal for enhancing clarity, peacefulness, and spiritual insight.

Indigo: Associated with intuition, wisdom, and spiritual awareness. Use for deep meditation and connecting to inner wisdom.

Violet: Represents transformation, spirituality, and enlightenment. Perfect for spiritual growth, higher consciousness, and enhancing psychic abilities.

 By understanding these color correspondences, you can choose a crystal ball that aligns with your current needs, enhancing your meditation and intention-setting practices with the appropriate vibrational support.


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